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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Da Da.

Can you say "Da Da?"
Megersa can!
He started saying it about a week ago. ((@ 7 months, 3 weeks))
Whether he understands correctly that he is talking about his favorite person in the world or not; he says this all day long. :)
Tim has been quick to teach "dada" to Megersa (probably because he lost out on Cale's first word - Ma Ma)...and boy has it caught on!
Whenever Goob gets really excited he starts up on it - Da Da. Daaaaa Daaaaa!!
He loves when we reinforce it too. It's the smallest form of communication we have with him, but it really seems to be making an impact!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Weston's first word was "Ma ma." I think he's been saying it for about a month. He also frequently says "ba ba" and "la la." Whenever I try to get him to say "da da" he just laughs at me! haha
